Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hadley is 11 months!!

Wow. This post is 4 days late. Better late than never, right?

Anyways, my little baby is becoming a toddler and we have been so busy planning for vacation that I am forgot she turned 11 months this past Sunday! I actually didn't realize it till it was about 4:00 p.m. Oops. I haven't uploaded her 11 month chair shots yet, but of course I do have a recent picture to share. 

It's not the best, but it is awful cute. She smiles any time she knows I am taking her picture. Then she goes right back to screaming most of the time. She definitely has an attitude. 

So, what's going on with Hadley?

*She is completely off bottles and is transitioning to whole milk.
*She has learned how to click her tongue
*She is slowly learning that she doesn't have to crawl at all anymore. :(
*She is still in 9-12, 12 month clothes
*She is now in her "big girl" carseat. 
*I am guessing she weighs 17.something lbs. 
*She is about to take her very first trip to the beach in 2 weeks!

I can't think of anything right now. I am pretty much just proud of myself for updating this blog. I have had a lot on my mind preparing for our 3 week vacation to the beach and then home. I have been ordering things to have delivered her before we leave and things to be delivered in TN to make things a little easier on us. I filled out all her birthday invites today so all I need to do is mail them out next week. It's crazy to believe a year has went by. 


  1. That picture is so cute! I see a sippy in the background, how is that going?? We are STILL trying to transition over. I'm thinking I'm going to be packing bottles with her for college, lol. It is a challenge for sure!

  2. It's going pretty good. It has been about 2 weeks since we ditched the bottles. We had to do it cold turkey. She went from 24 ounces to about 20 ounces I would guess.

    I definitely suggest cold turkey. The slow transition stressed me the hell out. It was not happening that way.
