Monday, March 28, 2011


I am the worlds worst blogger.

I have the most boring life and have nothing to really talk about. Nothing really new has been going on in this house except Hadley has learned how to crawl....backwards that is. I'm not in any hurry for her to start chasing me around the house though. In due time...all in due time.

We have also started introducing the sippy cup to her with about an ounce of water in it a day just so she can start getting used to it and learning that she is supposed to drink from it, eventually. She doesn't even want to hold her bottle when I feed her so I think it may take awhile before she gets used to the sippy.

Her teething pain has subsided a little bit. Thank God. Her little tooth is so cute and is barely there. I will miss her precious gummy smile. Speaking of..I need to take some new pictures to post up on here. Who doesn't want to look at pictures of a beautiful baby? Exactly.

I will leave you guys with an older picture since I don't have anything new. This is from our trip to the zoo about 2 weeks ago. Enjoy!

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