Monday, February 18, 2013

Potty training

I can't even believe I am writing this post. I didn't expect to be potty training anytime soon because Hadley was so adament that she did not want to use the potty. Well, rewind 5 days ago and we have the beginning of our potty training journey. I had this bright idea to tell Hadley that Bella, her stuffed kitty, needed to pee in the potty and wanted to wear panties. Boom! That did it. She instantly wanted to pee in the potty and did so all day long. The first day she had 3 accidents and peed probably 10 times in the potty that day. I was SO proud of her. I did not expect the first day to go so well. 

Day 2 she only had 2 accidents and peed probably 15 times. She was liking it so much that she wanted to pee on the potty constantly! I would give her a sticker to put on her chart after she used the potty and a sticker to put on her hand. By day 3 she didn't have any accidents and was telling me when she needed to go to the potty and did everything herself expect wipe herself. We haven't had any accidents since the 2nd day. I did not expect it to go this well! I definitely think you have to wait until they are ready for it to work so well. I tried about 6 months ago and she probably had 25+ accidents that day. She obviously wasn't ready then.

We are on day 5 and we are still having 0 accidents. She is wearing pull ups to bed and wearing underwear all day long. We stopped using the sticker chart after the 2nd day because she just didn't care about it anymore. I am sure that she will have a relapse, but for now I am enjoying how well she is doing. 

I forgot to mention that on our 2nd day of potty training she went potty at the library on the big potty with me holding her. That shocked me! Especially for the 2nd day! Ok, enough bragging about my little girl. 

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